Last weekend, when i celebrated Christmas with my siblings i gave my brother and my sister 2 teaballs each that i had decorated. I had totally forgot all about them until i saw the pictures in my camera when I were preparing for the magnolia card I just published, but here they come…

I got the idea from Tina that told me that she had done decorated tea-balls for a friend. Unfortunately i did mine in last second, that last one was finish 5 min after my mother said that we would start heading over to their place for the celebration.

I had a very clear image in my head of how they would look and i can honestly say that the end result is nothing near what i had in mind, but i’m happy anyway. My tip for anyone that does this is to replace the original chain with one made with the rings you have decorated and some empty.

I didn’t get a good result decorating the chain with adding metallic loops with pearls so I ended up adding the pearls to the already existing chain with nylon wire instead. In the end of all the chains I fastened a charm. Another problem that struck me was that i only had 4 colors of pearls and that i should have bought some that wasn’t blue and purple:P

Next time I want mine to look more like these, and i think it’s a good idea to use pearls that only is attached on one side, like Evelina did.

4 teaballs, some pearls and nylonwire.